The beginning of the tunnel.
"I am growing to know how complex humans truly are,
and though tremendously terrifying,
it is a beautiful thing to know.
And I am only at the beginning of the tunnel."
The tunnel.
"I am standing at the ice cave looking up,
into swirling paths that keep getting steeper.
I know that if I don't start moving I will drown;
as what started as a drop has turned into a lake.
The ice has turned to stone,
the stone walls from umber to sand,
and the dirt swirling road feels eternal.
We started as a few and have gathered as a crowd.
Monsters and hanging bridges threat our climb.
The ultimate battle is with ourselves
as we reach never-ending steps.
My legs start giving and my body feels heavier,
the crowd closes in
and I finally see an opening,
a light at the end of the tunnel
an embraced greeting as we finally reach the top."