Sang is 36 years old from MyTho, Vietnam.
What is that on the front corner of the store? "It's Buddha". Do you believe in it? "Maybe. I always tell my mom that maybe. It's for good luck".
"In school the teacher will call my name, and not expect to see a girl, Sang is a boy's name back home. I came to the US 12 years ago this Thanksgiving. I don't like it. I don't talk. I can't get my hair done. The weather is already warm back home. I was very afraid people will not understand me. And I talk a lot. My daughter says I talk endless. Here I am quiet."
"I came here in 2010 with my mother and stayed with my Auntie, so my daughter who came in 2015 could go to school here. You see, the education is better here. My daughter is 17 now, one more year to graduate from High School. Back home she would have graduated this year, but here they have one extra year. My daughter's name is Y Cu. Her first day of school the teacher kept pronouncing her name as the letter Y in English and she did not know they were speaking to her. In middleschool she decided to change her name to Nancy, a western name. We moved out of my Aunt's house when my daughter turned 14. And now I have to pay rent, pay car, everything here is expensive. My 3 brothers came in 2019 to the US as well. I went to get them into English class, he wanted to do 3rd level. The teacher kept talking to us and when she finished I asked my brother if he understood anything because I didn't, he didn't either, and was placed in 2 level. I do not have time to go to English class, I practice here on paper. Once, I went to pick up my daughter from high school, and the teacher mistook me for a student because my back was turned to her. I did not go to high school. I said jokingly that if she thinks I am a student I can go."
"The food here has too much cheese. And I don't like butter" or did she meant burger.
"Being single is better here. Back home if you marry at 19 you can assume there is a problem. But then everyone expects you to marry between 24-25. And after 30 you are too old."